A Message from the Research Conduct and Compliance Office

Departing Investigator Responsibilities

Investigators who are leaving the University have an obligation to properly terminate their ongoing research studies and close their laboratory.  Failure to do so may cause a variety of regulatory problems, some of which require the intervention of government agencies.   The Office of  Research has thus developed a checklist and electronic notification form to aid departing investigators.

Departing Investigator Checklist and Notification Form

Well in advance of their departure, investigators should review the Checklist for Investigators Leaving the University.  In addition, they should complete the associated Departing Investigator Notification Form.  Completion of this form electronically notifies relevant offices and committees, who will contact the investigator to provide advice and assistance in closing studies.

Bookmark www.rcco.pitt.edu for links to all the RCCO Offices, Training Requirements, and to learn about upcoming programs.  Email us at rcco@pitt.edu with any questions.